To create special character code, follow the steps below;
The characters will look like this;
‘ Left single quote
’ Right single quote
‚ Single low-9 quote
“ Left double quote
” Right double quote
† Dagger
‡ Double dagger
‰ Per mill sign
‹ Single left-pointing angle quote
› Single right-pointing angle quote
♠ Black spade suit
♣ Black club suit
♥ Black heart suit
♦ Black diamonds suit
↑ upward arrow
↓ Downward arrow
™ Trademark sign
Seem simple? Give it try, and dont forget to visit my other blogs, thanks, and come back soon...
Here are my other blog links, check them out !!!
1. "Internet Lifestyle"
2. "Marketing Myself".
mee mOe
My other blog;
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
1. Across this bridge
2. Struggling parents
3. When life become a book
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery
6. Layout Marketing
7. Internet Lifestyle
8. Marketing Myself
mee mOe Freeman Family Web Designers CA US | | |
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